System Information

generated by SchemaCrawler 16.2.7
generated on 2020-01-10 03:56:55



SchemaCrawler_Diagram generated by SchemaCrawler 16.2.7 generated on 2020-01-10 03:56:55 comments_ce10ed0a public.comments [table] id bigserial not null auto-incremented post_id int8 body varchar(255) 댓글 본문 posts_f8578ae9 public.posts [table] id bigserial not null auto-incremented title varchar(255) 제목 body varchar(255) 본문 comments_ce10ed0a:w->posts_f8578ae9:e comments_post_id_fkey schema_migrations_99dc56d9 public.schema_migrations [table] version int8 not null inserted_at timestamp


public.comments [table]
id bigserial not null
post_id int8
body varchar(255)
댓글 본문
Primary Key
comments_pkey [primary key]
id ascending
Foreign Keys
comments_post_id_fkey [foreign key, with no action]
post_id (0..many)→
Table Constraints
2200_16403_1_not_null [check constraint]


public.posts [table]
id bigserial not null
title varchar(255)
body varchar(255)
Primary Key
posts_pkey [primary key]
id ascending
Foreign Keys
comments_post_id_fkey [foreign key, with no action]
id ←(0..many) public.comments.post_id
Table Constraints
2200_16392_1_not_null [check constraint]


public.schema_migrations [table]
version int8 not null
inserted_at timestamp
Primary Key
schema_migrations_pkey [primary key]
version ascending
Table Constraints
2200_16385_1_not_null [check constraint]